How To Play The Englund Gambit Trap
How To Play The Englund Gambit Trap

In this article you will learn How To Play The Englund Gambit Trap

The Englund gambit is an approach against white 1.d4. This is a strategic offer of e5 pawn to lure white to take the pawn claiming one pawn advantage in move 2. The hidden intention is to trick white to hold on to his +1 pawn advantage while developing the knight and queen with tempo to create chaos in white’s camp after Black’s Queen gets the chance to infiltrate white’s defense with a check from b4 attacking 2 pieces (A double attack tactics).

Englund Gambit

1.d4 e5 2. dxe5 Nc6 3. Nf3 Qe7 4. Bf4 Qb4+

The Englund Gambit is an opening for Black against White’s 1.d4. Although similar in appearance to the Budapest Gambit, the Englund is not a sound opening and, therefore, not popular among stronger players. However, the Englund Gambit does contain traps that can catch many players off guard and result in quick wins.

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